Oh dear, today is the last day of NIE and now i'm starting to miss my NIE friends... It was a very depressing day for me. Before starting of NIE, i hated the idea so much. I was scared and alone. But i made so many good friends... They are such a lovely bunch of people that i thank heaven for sending them to me. From them, i learnt more about myself.
I could not believe such wonderful people exist on earth, my course mates and lecturers that you can fall in love with.. Hahax..So nice that i have to write this down. The happy times we went through together, the crazy times, and obviously the ardious and torturing times. The killing assignments which we all cried over and pushed and encourage each other to go on. We helped each other along, and give one another a lift whoever needs it and embrace together when we finished.
From them, i learnt how compassionate, loving and kind pp can be. They love you for your strengths and your weaknesses. They are such wonderful pp and compassionate teachers. Especially after the counselling course, it made our bond grow stronger. It became a healing course where we all heal as we open up to one another. I just wanted to share to others somethings that may be beneficial to their lives like mine.
Humans beings are complicated by nature, and we have a lot of emotions inside us. Some may surfaced, but others maybe suppressed within. Sometimes we may be confused why we have conflicting feelings inside us at the same time, and we struggle to decide which is the one. Normally, we tend to deny the negative one. But it is actually normal. There is no love without hate. You can love and hate someone at the same time. Its ok. Just acknowledgin tt feeling brings relief and peace within yourself. When you feel extreme pain or hurt, you cannot deny your feelings. You have to acknowledge them before you can move on. Things get better from tt step. I went through it by escaping and thought i be fine as i'm strong. But i'm wrong. I have to go through the feeling of hurt and pain, then i can heal. Its a natural process that we cannot aviod. But time is GREAT! It will heal all your wounds, and one day as u look back, u will smile and laugh at your own silliness back then.
im really glad that i have known you all my dears. I love you all so so much. Huda, Grace, Peiyi, Neeti, Carine, Dellia, Yee Mui, Yihui, Doreen, Peggy, Helen, Junna, Siti, Cidah, Nas, Wiyah, and all the other course mates, thank you for being my friends and showing me grace, kindness and love.
Huda: You cant disturb me anymore. Hope you will think of me at times.
Grace: You are such a gracious person. You are my goddess
Peiyi: You are such a fun-loving gal
Neeti: You are the leader but Naughty Neetz!
A even more stressful task is waiting. Hopefully everyone can pull through your TP but now not everyone is by our side. We have to be independent and get through it. Take care!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
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